Product Support


We pride ourselves to supply the Down under Pacific Rim with the best products available on the market for the Reefing Community. We will strive to give you all the backup and support you require to have the best experience in working with these products. !

Personally I like to take a one on one approach to any issues you might have with the install, connection and running of these innovative products.
If support is required we will ask you for the invoice details and Serial number so if the product needs items replaced under warranty by the distributor we can confirm the warranty period. 

We also understand that these products sometimes require a little extra personal touch which we will provide when necessary. But nothing beats reading the manual and digesting the information before asking for help. 

We will refer you to the Focustronic Support line if there is an issue that is beyond the scope of tech we can provide. 

There is a thriving community of users on Face Book that will help you with basic user questions so try their first, and Focustronic has a direct support link to
they're tech support which is a fantastic wealth of information for you as a user.  

Focustroinic Manuels.......?






For all other Information on upgrades, other languages or how too,
go to the Fousustronic page link here manuals